Easter is upon us and being (still sorta) Catholic and Polish, it is the most important time of year for us. Myself, I only happen to be 50% Polish and my kids only 25%, but since it is the biggest part of their heritage I feel it is important to keep them interested in the traditions. They adore it.
One such tradition is heading to the Broadway Market. It is an indoor market that has been opened since 1888. Meat stands, produce, flowers, bakeries, a little something for everyone. My kids look forward to heading there every year. It located in, shall we say, not the best part of the city, but it is great to get there at least once a year. I actually had occasion to head down there twice this year. I met my parents there with the boys and yesterday I took my friend Mary and her son Noah there for their first visit.
As we parked and headed for the escalator that would take us down into the market, Sammy was so excited and yelled "THIS EASTER OFFICE IS NOW OPEN!" Over and over he kept saying how much he loved it there.
Sammy and my dad ( Mr. OMG, himself...One Man Gang) holding a horseradish root.
Sammy picking out his Pussywillows.
My oldest dork, Zach and my brother Rogie ( and yes, Rogie needs to shave cuz he looks homeless. UGH!)
J-Bob acting so cool, but he was LOVING it.
Sammy LOVED the Easter Bunny. It was hard to tear him away.
Some Polish cooking delights, except no Golabki equals my mom's, so No Thanks!
OMG with Sammy and Josh
Zach, my mommy and Roge, my broham
Sammy picking out his painted egg this year with my mom.
That's right, baby!!
Josh's shirt says " Give me a Kiss!"
Babcia is grandma in Polish, pronounced "Bop-cha". My kids call my grandma babcia, although Sammy usually makes it ba-cha. Close enough.
Zach's shirt says "How are you?" or "What's going on"
On my 2nd outing to "da Broadway Market, der hey" it was just me, Mary, Josh and Noah, Mary's oldest. As it was Holy Thursday and closer to the holiday, it was MUCH more crowded but that is part of the fun.
The knuckleheads
Gotta have Pussywillows for Dingus Day. Buffalo has the proud distinction of the World's Largest Dingus Day celebration. Woman hit potential suitors with pussywillows and men squirt water guns back at the women. It is just a humorous holiday celebrated the day after Easter.
Yes! Chocolate covered Peeps! HELLO!!
MUST HAVE! A Malczewski's Butter Lamb. Nothing like it. It is a must on our Easter Table.
You know it! Although, in my life total I have been drunk like twice. So I guess I am not that loved. ;-)
So much to write about, I have a new niece, my step mother-in-law is here from Florida, my nephews birthdays are coming up, Josh competed in a problem solving tournament called Odyssey of the Mind, wheew...it has been a busy few weeks. I hope to get on the ball after Easter and get blogging. Many pictures and such to share.
Happy Easter or Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych!
Thank you for all the info and photos! I love looking at the photos. Im 25% Polish but never learned anything from my grandpa about it, so it was all great! Have a wonderful Easter!
I miss the Broadway market. Great place to get cows tongue.
it feels like i have met just about all the immediate family in these two re ent posts. the good thing about blogging is that you get to scroll back into the persons life for reference so it all starts to go together. i'm so glad i started coming hen you fist began your blog. it is like a story that way. a good one too :)
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