"Mommy,you are the one I love most in the whole world"
"Do you love Daddy too?"
"Sure I do, but you are the one I love most"
"Okay, but don't say that to Daddy, because it will hurt his feelings"
"Ummm, I think he already knows. I told him yesterday.Or maybe last week"

From the mouths of babes. That's ok, I'm sure you have everyone covered with three. I have to and one immediately bonded with the hub (the teenager--now going on 19!) and the other (the kid) bonded with me. It always works out ok somehow. xo Rosemary--blooger won't let me sign in to which I say ;-P
I know, understand and completely agree. :)
great picture of you two love birds :)
I must say, Heidi..I think he was wearing a halo on this day, and not the horns!! :D
xoxo from your fellow "Molie"
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