So this week has been weird. I was planning a few quiet days off and then the world had it's way with me. There was not one day that I wasn't going somewhere or getting something done. It is that time of the year, indeed. There was the kids doctor appointments, Josh's orthodontic visit, my grandmother having surgery, a surprise party for my uncle, trampoline classes for Josh, a baby shower, and oh yeah, ADAM BOUGHT ME TICKETS TO SEE THE POLICE!!!
Let's just take a minute here, so I can drool on my keyboard:

Scruffy Sting, RAWR!!!

Firstly, The Police. Adam got me tickets for my birthday/Mother's Day and we decided I would go with Zach as he is a fan as well, and Adam not so much. It should be said that Elvis Costello opened up for them and he was incredible!
The boys look great, except, Stewart Copeland ,dude, it is called hair color for men. Lord, baby you are looking OLD!
We had a fabulous time. They played King of Pain and So Lonely back to back, it was all I could do not to faint. Zach elbowed me and smiled. He knew I was in heaven. Later, of course, he told me "I saw cried like a little bitch, but that is okay. I cried when I first saw Rancid. It means you are a real fan." Which was said in a joking, funny matter, lest you think my kid is a back talker. Not so. He would then meet Mrs. Back-hander. ahem
anyway, for once in my life, the crazy drunk dancing girl was not sitting next to me or right in front of me. She a few rows ahead of me and to the left. Zach rolled his eyes at me several times. Ya know, when you are a drunk asshole, you are only funny to yourself. You just piss everyone else off. But she was far enough a way to not bother me or obstruct the view of sexy, scruffy, yummy Sting, even if she was spelling out S.O.S during Message in a Bottle. Dork! Yes, yes young girl, your dancing and singing along caught the attention of Sting, a football field length away. Your poor boyfriend tried to make you sit, BUT NO! You needed to take our your lighter for Invisible Sun. A song which I can't stand anyway.
But anyway...Josh went to trampoline class on Saturday and they beat the hell out of him for 95 mins. Quite the aerobic workout, I must say. The teacher kept telling me that adults take his class *wink, wink* I told him I would end up breaking my hip and/or neck. He said "Ohhh, no! I have a 25 years long record of no injuries"., prepare for that record to be broken, like my body as they medi-vac me to a trauma center. The doctor will say "Was this woman hit by a car??"
"no, doctor. It was a trampoline that got her"
So Josh and Sammy are going to do all the jumping for me. It is enough exercise for me to wrangle those beasts into the car and get them there. ;-) Especially with Sammy's growing Wii addiction. Thank goodness that better weather is coming and I can get him out in the yard. I had to shut the Wii down the other day when I heard Sammy wail at the top of his lungs "WHAT??? Why do ERRORS have to OCCUR" when the game disc failed to load properly. Drama. Oh the drama. I wonder what a kid's dose of Valium would be?
And update on my grandma: Surgery went VERY well, she says her pain is gone, she is walking again. She was shipped off to rehab for a few weeks but is doing VERY well. We were worried about the outcome, as of course the doctor could not say for sure if she would walk again. That old broad is tough and she has places to be. Get the hell out of her way! Of course, she is fighting to get home as fast as possible, and we are all cautious. She is going to make us all crazy, but that is her job and oh! does she do it well. Rock on, babcia!
And the kids doctor visits were LONG...almost 2 hours in the office. Their doctor was mine as a kid and NO, he is not THAT old. Thank you VERY much. He is great, but slow, methodical, very thorough. Sammy got two shots and yelled "HEY, Lady Doctor, you hurt me!!" the poor nurse must hate that job. I would hate giving kids shots.
And I must get my old body to bed. Work tomorrow night. Good gracious! I am too busy to fit work in there too. Good Gravy!
smooches all!
God, I am SO jealous that you got to see Police. King of Pain will always be your song, to me. I so remember listening to that over and over again in the station wagon!
Very Happy to read about your Grandmother.
Love this post. So glad your grandma is ok.
i am way too old to know anything about the Police or the House of Pain or whatever it is called. i can see though how that could be your theme song for lot's of reasons.... i am completely relieved that your grandma is walking and on the mend. good for her! i want you to know i read every single word of your posts. you are too funny for me to chance missing a detail. hope all continues to go as planned with your babcia. keep the good stories coming!
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